What SEO Measures Can You Do Yourself?

SEO measures

“SEO is really hard”

“SEO is outsourced”

Such an image is still strong in SEO, but there are many things that you can do at your company if you can do it steadily and patiently after holding down the basic points.

Recently, many tools for SEO have been developed, and an environment that makes it easy to work on SEO on your own is being built.

In this article, we will introduce the basics of SEO measures that you can start by yourself.

In addition, we have prepared SEO know-how materials (free) for corporate and group websites for web managers who want to take SEO measures themselves .

  • SEO Success Cases/Law Documents
  • SEO 1 question 1 answer Total 30 questions
  • In-house SEO (in-house SEO) road map

It summarizes the materials of the three themes, and is ideal for taking SEO measures yourself.

Please feel free to apply by clicking the banner below.

Benefits of doing your own SEO

Currently, due to the effects of repeated updates of the Google search algorithm, artificial SEO such as “If you leave it to a vendor, it will improve your search ranking” is no longer valid.

Outsourcing SEO involves professionals and consultants who draw on past success stories. Therefore, you will likely get results sooner than if you did it yourself.

However, if you try to attract customers stably in the long term, the cost will increase accordingly. So, as an option, if you try SEO measures yourself, there are actually merits.

Expanding your capabilities will increase your benefits

If you increase the number of SEO measures you can do yourself, you can reduce costs, and you can also use the budget to strengthen other channels, renovate designs, and strengthen content.

In addition, the experience of SEO will deepen your own knowledge. When you outsource, you will be able to give clear instructions, and the quality of your requests and proposals will also improve.

Read Also: Introducing What SEO Can Do/Cost Market & How To Choose

How to work on content SEO and points to note

If you want to do SEO yourself, I recommend “content SEO”, which involves understanding users, considering keywords based on hypotheses, and creating content.

In the case of content SEO, it is relatively easy to work because it does not require advanced knowledge or separate resources like “internal SEO (technical SEO)” or “external SEO”.

Rather, it is possible to provide better content as much as we know the service and industry well. Here, I will explain while taking up the points of content SEO.

Decide which keywords to target

First of all, decide the appropriate countermeasure keywords according to the purpose of the site and aim for the inflow of the target users.

No matter how high-quality content is prepared, if the keywords are not well selected, access will not increase. Keyword selection is the most basic SEO measure that you can do yourself, and it is a measure that you absolutely have to do.

Select keywords based on persona needs

Decide who is likely to search for your site.

Assuming a fictitious customer image is called “persona setting”. When creating content, set a persona of a person modeled with various information such as name, age, gender, income, occupation, values, and lifestyle. The persona will imagine what the keyword will be searched for.

For example, a company that sells toys for children may set the persona as “parents or grandparents” and implement SEO measures. However, it is still difficult to connect with the persona with the keyword “toy” only.

You can go a step further and use compound keywords such as “toys, elementary school students” and “toys, boys” to get a little closer to the persona’s needs. Also, when thinking about giving a toy as a gift, you may need information such as “How long will it take to deliver?”, “Recent trends”, and “How much will it cost?”

It is a good idea to use Google’s “Keyword Planner” to determine which of the keywords you have imaged. For each keyword, you can see “how many times a month is searched”, and you can also find related keywords.

Prepare content that matches the user’s search intent

As a search intention of users, there are many cases where they want to solve their worries and problems, so let’s reflect it in content creation.

For example, for the keyword “curry udon stains”, we can predict that the search intent is for a method to remove curry udon stains that have splattered on clothes. If you actually search on Google, the first page of the search results are all sites about stain removal.

Let’s create content that meets the needs of users who want to attract customers, referring not only to the search intentions that you predict, but also to the pages that are actually ranked high in search and their trends.

Focus on writing that is easy for users to understand

For the body of the content, be aware of and image the words that the target user is likely to use on a daily basis.

For example, even for the same word, different people have different ways of choosing “hiragana”, “katakana”, and “kanji”. If you know which notation to use to search, it will also be advantageous for SEO.

Users also like visual devices such as charts and tables. It takes time, but creating articles that put user satisfaction first, not just Google, is the key to increasing results.

I want to work hard on “technical SEO” that requires knowledge

” Technical SEO ” refers to measures aimed at search engines, while “content SEO” focuses on users .

We will prepare and optimize the internal structure of the site, focusing on measures for crawlers and indexes . Aiming for a search engine-friendly site requires a certain amount of skill, and half-baked knowledge may have the opposite effect, so be careful.

However, if you ignore the search engine and proceed with the measures, the effect will not be maximized, so start by checking the ” Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Starter Guide ” published by Google. is recommended.

Get the most out of your SEO tools

If you are not an SEO professional and work on it yourself, you may not know where to start.

Therefore, it is important to use SEO tools to derive areas that need to be addressed and to save time and effort as much as possible.

Various data can be obtained by using SEO tools. In addition to access analysis data, depending on the tool, you can also perform internal diagnosis of the site, keyword ranking research, and analysis of competing sites, so you can use it to create a useful strategy to aim for the top search results.

Since data analysis of the company’s site is performed on many sites, let’s introduce “Google Analytics” and “Google Search Console” at least so as not to lag behind.

Google Analytics analyzes website visitors

Google Analytics is a tool that analyzes who visits your website.

You can also understand the points such as “where did the user visit from?” Reports that quantify these can also be output, making it easy to report and share information.

Google Search Console analyzes user search queries

Google Search Console is a tool that analyzes the search queries of users who flowed into your site from Google.

You can understand the points such as “what keywords did users search for” and “how many times they visited”.

You can also measure keyword rankings and click-through rates. It also has a function that allows you to check whether the published article is displayed in the search results.

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