Introducing What SEO Can Do/Cost Market & How to Choose

What SEO Can Do

Since SEO rankings fluctuate greatly due to factors such as Google’s core updates, which are performed regularly, it is not uncommon to feel that there is a limit to implementing SEO measures in-house. Therefore, many people may consider using an SEO agency service with specialized knowledge.

Therefore, in this article, we will explain the benefits of SEO agency services and what they can do, as well as the cost market and the points of service selection.

It also includes case studies for reference. Please read through to the end.

In addition, at our company, you can use materials packed with SEO knowledge for free download. If you are thinking “I want to do a little more SEO on my own!” or “I want to know the basics before using an agency service”, please refer to it.

What is SEO agency service?

What is SEO agency service
What is SEO agency service

An SEO agency service is a service in which a professional who is familiar with SEO, such as a web production company or a marketing company, acts as a partner of a company and performs SEO measures.

By the way, SEO is an abbreviation of “Search Engine Optimization” and is translated as “Search Engine Optimization”.

SEO trends change all the time, so even if you have some knowledge, it can quickly become outdated.

This is where SEO agency services come into play. If you receive support from a professional who is familiar with SEO measures, it will be easier to implement effective SEO measures.

Read Also: 11 Effective Measures To Acquire B2B Leads

4 benefits you can expect from SEO agency service

benefits you can expect from SEO agency service
benefits you can expect from SEO agency service

Here are four benefits of hiring an SEO agency:

Advantage 1: You can practice SEO measures that lead to results

Advantage 1
Advantage 1

SEO agency can analyze the site from a professional point of view, so you can implement SEO measures with an eye on achieving your goals.

For example, general SEO measures tend to focus on being evaluated and displayed high in search results. However, what really matters is the purpose after the traffic to the site increases.

Therefore, the shortcut to achieving results is to formulate a strategy in anticipation of specific conversions, such as sales of your own products, contracts, membership registration, document requests, and inquiries.

In this way, if you use an excellent SEO agency service, you will not only gain rankings in SEO, but you will also practice SEO measures that lead to results.

Advantage 2: You can understand the specific measures that match the situation of your site

Advantage 2
Advantage 2

SEO professionals analyze site data to identify issues and find specific countermeasures.

Specifically, we investigate the number of sessions (the number of times a user visits the site), the number of clicks (the number of clicks in searches, advertisements, etc.), and user withdrawal trends.

For example, if the number of sessions is low, you may have the following problems:

  • There is no article that can expect the number of sessions in the first place
  • Content ranks poorly
  • High search ranking but low CTR
  • Lack of content to keep you coming back for more

The advantage of using an SEO agency is that you can determine which is the most important issue and take measures against it. If the results of your company’s site are not going up, you can find hints to solve it just by requesting a site analysis.

Advantage 3: You can save effort on SEO measures

SEO measures require time and effort to get results, such as identifying issues from site analysis, devising countermeasures, and implementing actual measures.

If you use the SEO agency service, it is easier to make the process more efficient than doing it in-house, and you can save your company’s effort for SEO measures.

In addition, since you do not have to fumble around and implement various measures according to the latest SEO in your company, you can avoid detours and implement SEO measures. As a result, there is also the advantage that it is easy to realize the cost-effectiveness.

Benefit 4: Increased knowledge of SEO

Benefit 4
Benefit 4

In addition, there is an advantage that you can become familiar with SEO while using the SEO agency service and interacting with experts.

An excellent SEO consultant has answers to a wide range of consultations as a partner, such as problems related to site management and conversion measures.

You can also learn from professionals about changes in Google’s algorithm, trends in SEO measures, and the secrets of site management. If you increase your knowledge of SEO, it will also be useful for in-house SEO measures in the future.

In addition, there are some companies that support in-house conversion, so if you are considering moving in-house in the future, it is recommended to ask a company that provides support.

5 measures that can be done with SEO agency service and cost price

5 measures that can be done with SEO agency service
5 measures that can be done with SEO agency service

We have looked at the benefits of SEO agency services, but many people may be wondering what kind of measures they can actually take on your behalf.

From here, we will introduce measures and cost estimates that can be done with SEO agency services.

Please note that the cost of SEO measures will vary depending on the scale of the site and the content to be implemented.

Measure 1 Comprehensive consulting: From 300,000 yen/month

In general SEO consulting, a wide range of consultations are possible for the purpose of improving the number of sessions (number of site visitors) and conversion rate (percentage of results) in addition to displaying at the top.

Our consultants can suggest improvement measures from various points such as site structure, content quality, new page creation and backlinks. Access analysis and user flow line confirmation within the site can also be implemented using analysis tools.

The estimated cost will vary depending on the scale and expertise of the requested site. Also, SEO may take at least half a year to get results, so there are many cases where long-term support is provided on a monthly basis.

Comprehensive consulting Overview
From 300,000 yen/monthly Comprehensive support for site SEO measures

Measure 2 Site SEO internal measures: From 300,000 yen / single shot

SEO’s internal measures are to make the site itself suitable for being evaluated by Google.

Under the top page of the corporate site, pages by category are assembled in a tree-like site map.

In order for the internal design to be evaluated by search engines, the site structure must be optimized.

For example, it is necessary to optimize every detail, such as changing content titles and descriptions to make them easier to recognize, speeding up display speed, and effectively utilizing HTML tags.

Internal measures are often one-shot rather than monthly, and the cost varies depending on the width of the process on behalf of you.

Internal measures for site SEO Overview
300,000 yen ~ / single shot Take measures to be evaluated by search engines

  • Optimize your site structure
  • Adjust article titles, descriptions, HTML tags, etc.

Measure 3 External measures for site SEO: From 15,000 yen / keyword

The measures taken to acquire backlinks from the outside are external measures for site SEO.

This is because Google targets sites that are frequently cited by other sites for search engine evaluation.

However, there was a time when SEO companies used that evaluation criteria to sell backlinks in bulk. As a result, Google considers backlink sales to be a violation and is subject to penalties.

Even now, there are people who consult about artificial external measures, but selling backlinks is NG. In rare cases, there are agency services that claim to acquire a large number of backlinks, but unreasonable backlink acquisition leads to penalties.

Be careful of such proxy services, as penalties will have a significant impact on the operation of the site.

External measures for site SEO Overview
From 15,000 yen/keyword Implement measures to be evaluated by search engines

  • Optimize your site structure
  • Adjust article titles, descriptions, HTML tags, etc.

Measure 4 SEO content production: 10,000 yen ~ / 1 case

It is also possible to entrust the creation of content to an SEO agency service, such as articles that affect the quality of the site.

In order to create a site that is highly evaluated by search engines, it is necessary to send out high-quality content that will benefit searchers.

However, creating content requires not only knowledge of SEO, but also the technology to convey information in an easy-to-understand manner, so it takes time and effort.

In addition, in order to achieve results, it is necessary to be conscious of internal measures and conversion of the site. Therefore, it is a fact that the creation of article content is often outsourced.

If you outsource content production to an SEO agency service, you will be charged for each article. In addition, if media direction or editing work is outsourced, a separate fee is required.

In addition, the agency that accepts orders at too low a price may not have high quality content or articles that will not lead to results, so be sure to check whether the price is appropriate.

SEO content production Overview
From 10,000 yen / 1 case Create SEO-friendly article content*Consignment of direction and editing work is separate

Measure 5 Production and improvement of owned media: From 200,000 yen/month

When launching an owned media (corporate blog), our SEO agency service will support production and improvement.

There are various media purposes such as company branding and sales promotion support, but we can respond from strategy and planning to production according to your business model.

Regarding the improvement of media management, based on the verification and analysis of site traffic and conversions, we implement PDCA in the order of planning, execution, checking, and improvement.

Owned media production and renewal support costs vary greatly depending on the expertise of the business operator, the size of the site, and the width of the process to be implemented. In some cases, it is a monthly fee, and in other cases, it is a one-time estimate for one project.

Production and improvement of owned media Overview
From 200,000 yen/month Owned media strategy design, content planning and analysis, SEO improvement, production
Several million yen/single shot General site launch and renewal

7 points to choose SEO agency service

points to choose SEO agency service
points to choose SEO agency service

Here are seven points to consider when choosing an SEO agency service.

I touched on the cost earlier, but when actually choosing a business, there may be times when you don’t know where to ask for agency out of the many SEO businesses such as marketing companies and web production companies.

The following are examples of how to view the corporate website of an SEO business and checkpoints when consulting. Please check it out.

Check 1: Do you have a wealth of achievements and examples?

First of all, it is important to check whether you are presenting a lot of achievements.

The site of the SEO company has an introduction case, and there are cases where detailed explanations of the measures implemented as customer’s voice are posted.

Even if it is not posted on the site, there are many businesses that can download case studies and service introduction materials for free. Please check as many examples as possible and try to understand the areas of strength of the company, such as whether the company is good at content creation or internal measures among SEO measures.

On top of that, if there is a case of improving the site of a competitor, it is recommended to check the issues and measures and use it as an inquiry candidate.

Check 2: Are the details of SEO measures clearly stated on the company website?

It is also important to be able to check the specific measures for SEO measures on the site of the SEO business.

As mentioned above, the SEO agency provides a wide range of measures, from comprehensive consulting to internal and external measures.

If you know what kind of SEO measures are possible before contacting the business operator you care about, it will be easier to inquire. If specific measures are clearly indicated along with examples of SEO countermeasures, it is possible to proceed with the story as a role model.

In the case of a company that sells low prices or whose SEO measures are difficult to understand in detail, when you consult, you may be told that “the desired measures cannot be performed” or “there was an extra charge”, so be sure to check carefully. .

Check 3: Is the interview accurate and the explanation easy to understand?

When choosing a business operator, it is also important to ask whether the company will accurately listen to your company’s issues and requests, and whether the explanations are easy to understand.

If you do not understand the problem and what kind of measures are necessary, even if you ask for SEO measures, it may take time to coordinate the implementation details.

Especially in the web industry, there are many technical terms in the alphabet and katakana. If you do not understand the terminology, you may not be able to keep up with the explanation of complicated SEO measures.

In order to prevent such a situation, we recommend that you decide whether the person in charge will not use difficult words at the first consultation, and whether they will explain even difficult matters in an easy-to-understand manner.

Check 4: Can you clarify the flow and cost of SEO measures?

Another important point is, “Can you tell me about the approximate flow and cost of the countermeasures?”

A good SEO consultant will be able to give you a rough idea of ​​the website’s problem during the first meeting and give you an idea of ​​what you can do with the plan.

It is desirable to be able to confirm the estimation method and the presence or absence of additional costs. Also, if you know the cost estimate at the stage before the estimate, it will be easier to compare within the company.

Please be aware that if the contractor gives vague answers when you ask about additional costs or the details of the estimate, it may lead to trouble later.

Check 5: Is the follow-up system for agency work solid?

The follow-up system for implementing SEO measures is also a point to check.

Especially for small SEO businesses, one consultant may follow up on site improvements. However, even experienced consultants can make judgments on a personal basis when there is only one person.

Also, if the person in charge changes due to a sudden departure, there may be a possibility that the initial SEO policy will change. Therefore, it is desirable to be able to follow up on one project with a team structure of several people.

Check 6: Are you focused on customer service?

The customer service policy of the SEO agency is also important.

In addition to sharing the specifics to be implemented, it is also important to be able to smoothly report on the progress along the way.

For example, we recommend that you decide whether or not you have regular reporting meetings, and whether you can communicate politely and flexibly with the person in charge through consultations and emails.

SEO agency service is a business that plays a part of your business. Ideally, you want a business that will always try to dispel any questions or concerns you may have, and that will give you visibility into how you can reach your goals.

Check 7: Can you clarify what you can do and what you cannot do?

When you tell them about the current situation and purpose of your site, the key points for choosing a business operator are whether they can achieve your goal and whether they can give you a frank opinion.

If it is possible, it is desirable to specify the difficulty level and route, and if it is not possible, it is desirable to propose an achievable range instead.

In the past, there was a time when we used a brute-force method to display high rankings. However, these days, superficial SEO is quickly removed from search rankings.

In dealing with SEO in a straightforward manner, even if it is clear what you can and can’t do, you can trust a business that doesn’t set excessive expectations on your customers.

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