What is domain strength (domain power)?

What is domain strength

Overview of Domain Strength (Domain Power)

Domain strength refers to how well a website’s domain name is rated by search engines.
Domain strength is not a rating for each URL (each page), but a rating for the entire website.
For example, when a page with exactly the same content is created on two different sites, the page posted on the site with the higher domain strength will have a higher search ranking.
The higher the search ranking, the more traffic to the site, so domain strength is an important basic concept in web marketing.

How to check domain strength

The most used search engine in the world is Google, and the most used search engine in Japan is also Google. Other search engines basically imitate Google’s policy, so when examining domain strength, it should be fine to investigate only domain strength on Google.

Domain strength is determined by many factors, and Google does not disclose the details of the algorithm that determines domain strength. In other words, the only way to know the domain strength itself is to become an employee of Google and obtain a high position within it. Maybe even Google employees don’t fully understand the algorithm of the search robot.
Due to this situation, it is difficult to know the domain strength accurately, and we are forced to settle for what we think is the domain strength.

For example, Domain Authority is a numerical value created independently by SEOmoz by analyzing the structure of the search engine Google, and is a “pseudo domain strength”. Here, you can easily check with tools such as “Open Site Explorer” and “MozBar” developed by the company. You can also check the pseudo domain strength by using the “Power Rank Checker”
provided by Access Japan Co., Ltd.

Three factors that determine domain strength EAT 

As mentioned above, we don’t know the content of Google’s search robot algorithm that determines domain strength, but Google publishes a rough policy for determining domain strength.
Google believes three things are important: ExpertiseAuthoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. It is abbreviated as EAT.


Expertise means that the direction of the site is unified and the information is comprehensive. It will decrease if the theme in the site is disjointed.


Authoritativeness means being evaluated by a highly reliable third party. Specifically, “number of links from sites with high domain strength (number of external links)”, “site management history”, “operator’s title/qualification”, etc.


Trustworthiness is whether a site is trustworthy. It will decrease if there is a lot of imitation of other content on the site or speculation/guessing. Conversely, it will improve if there is a lot of content that readers can easily feel “trustworthy”, such as highly original, reliable information based on experiences and experiences.

How to increase domain strength

EAT suggests that “great power is given to sites that benefit users (readers) .”
This is because Google’s reputation as a search engine will increase if useful information for readers is displayed at the top of the search results.

In “How Google Works – Our Work Style and Management,” which introduces how Google staff work, let’s display websites that provide excellent content in search results. The appearance of Google staff working hard day and night is introduced.
It’s important to focus on providing content that Google’s search robots and, by extension, Google staff, want to see, rather than trying to get traffic through trickery.

Search engine evaluation algorithms will continue to be updated, but Google consistently puts users first, and the value of sites that benefit users will never change. The surest way to increase domain strength is to create a user-friendly site. With this in mind, think about your website content.

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