What is Auth0?

Auth0 overview

Auth0 is IDaaS (Identity as a Service), an authentication platform service used in cloud services and apps provided by Auth0 Inc.
IDaaS is a service that realizes mechanisms such as ID and password management and access control of services on the cloud in the same way as SaaS and IaaS.
In addition to supporting conventional web applications, it also supports open authentication and authorization methods such as “Mobile Native App”, “Web API”, and “Single Page Application”.
The authentication platform services that have been used so far have had the problem of being extremely difficult and time-consuming to implement due to the use of proprietary protocols.
Auth0 is an excellent authentication platform service because it solves that problem.

Basic features of Auth0

Auth0 comes with the following basic features:

Single sign-on

Single sign-on is a function that allows users to log in to multiple independent software systems such as web services, apps, and cloud services with a single-user authentication process.
With this function, you can easily log in to frequently used services such as “Google Workspace” and “Microsoft 365”.
It eliminates the hassle of managing IDs and passwords for multiple services, which leads to unnecessary stress reduction and improved work efficiency.

universal login

Universal Login is a method of authenticating users via a central authentication server.
Benefits include a simplified user experience, more efficient app integration, improved management, and improved authentication security. Combining multiple multi-factor authentications also provides stronger security measures.

Adaptive Multi-Factor Authentication (Adaptive MFA)

Multi-factor authentication can be realized by using “Google Authenticator” or “Duo”.

In addition, instead of logging in only by entering an ID and password, the accuracy of personal authentication can be further improved by utilizing biometric authentication such as one-time passwords using SMS, fingerprint authentication, and face authentication.

Anomaly detection function

Auth0’s anomaly detection features include options to protect against brute force attacks, block repeated login attempts, and notify designated recipients of unauthorized attempts.
In addition, by enabling password compromise detection, users are notified when their credentials are compromised.
Logs can also be sent to providers such as “Logstash”, “Papertrail”, “And Splunk” through their respective extensions.

Why do we need Auth0?

When using membership services such as e-commerce sites, it is necessary to design authentication and authorization mechanisms with strong security in mind.
However, it takes a huge amount of time to design an authentication/authorization mechanism, and even if you want to implement it, it is often difficult in terms of time and resources.
Auth0 is a candidate when you want to introduce IDaaS with as little design and implementation time as possible.
Auth0 has a simple and easy-to-read design of the management screen, and it can be said that it is characterized by high usability.
In addition, by using the rule function, it is possible to add a wealth of functions such as adding user attributes, additional processing after user login, and viewing anomaly detection functions, so you can customize it according to your company’s security policy.
User behavior can also be visualized using the logging function.
With such high functionality, Auth0 can improve operational efficiency and implement high-security measures.
However, due to its high functionality, it may not be possible to use Auth0 satisfactorily without personnel with security knowledge and extensive work experience.

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