What Is a Search Query? What Is the Difference Between Keywords?

What is a search query

“ What exactly is a search query ?” “What is the difference between a keyword and a keyword?” Many people have such concerns.

Therefore, in this article, we will explain the search query in detail.

By reading this article, you will be able to understand the difference between keywords that are easily confused, how to check search queries, the classification of search queries according to search intent, and how to use them.

If you want to improve the effectiveness of your search ads, use search queries to understand the user’s search intent and use it to improve your search ads.

What is a search query?

A search query is “a phrase used by a user when searching on a search engine such as Google”, and the site operator can understand the user’s search intention from the search query.

This is because the user’s purpose appears in the words or combinations of words entered in the search window.

For example, the search query “cafe Shinagawa” tells us that people are looking for places to have a cup of coffee or quiet workspace in Shinagawa.

In this way, by reading the search query, it is possible to clarify “why the user searched”, so it is often used when issuing and improving search advertisements.

In fact, when setting keywords for ads, marketers use keywords that match prospective customers so that users click on ads and take actions that lead to CVs (conversions).

Difference between the search query and keyword

There are two major differences between search queries and keywords.

One is whether it holds true in relation to search engines.

A search query refers to “words and phrases typed in the search window” of a search engine, while a keyword means “words and phrases set when operating a search advertisement”.

For example, if someone looking to buy white goods searches for “washing machine online” in a search engine, “washing machine online shopping” is the search query and “washing machine” is the keyword.

Another difference is “who is typing”.

While “search queries are what users search for”, they differ in that “keywords are set by marketers who advertise”.

It’s easy to confuse the two, but it’s important to distinguish between them because they have slightly different meanings.

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Differences between search terms in search queries and search ads

The difference between a search query and a search term in a search ad is the “name”.

If you check it in Google Search Console, it will be displayed as “search query”, but in Google Ads, it will be displayed as “search phrase”.

In this way, search queries and search terms in search ads are displayed differently depending on the tool you use to check them.

Strictly speaking, they are not exactly the same thing, as the search term in search ads means “the keyword on which the ad was clicked by the user.”

However, they are used almost indistinguishably because the substance is the same but the name is different.

How to check your search query

There is not just one way to check your search query, there are several.

If you want to check your search queries, here are four tools you can use:

  • Google Ads
  • Yahoo! Ads
  • Google Search Console
  • Google Analytics

Below, we will explain how to check the search query for each tool.

 Google Ads

To check search queries in Google Ads, first, log in to the management screen.

Next, you can check the “search query” by clicking “search terms” in “keywords”.

Yahoo! Ads

To check search queries on Yahoo! Ads, first log in to the management screen.

Next, click on “Search terms” in “Keywords” and a tab called “Show search queries” will appear.

Google search console

To see search queries in Google Search Console, you must first connect it to the website you want to analyze.

Next, select “Search Performance” from the menu bar and click “Query” to check the search query.

At that time, the number of impressions, ranking, number of clicks, and click rate in natural search are also displayed at the same time, so if you want to take SEO measures, let’s use it.

Google Analytics

After logging into Google Analytics, click on Acquisition.

Then open “SearchConsole” and you will see “Search Queries”.

However, this method requires that Analytics and Search Console are linked in advance.

If you want to check search queries using Google Analytics, let’s link Search Console to Analytics in advance.

Categorization of search queries according to search intent

Search queries according to search intent are classified into the following three types.

  • Navigational query
  • Transactional query
  • Informational query

We’ll go into more detail below.

navigational query

A navigational query is a phrase used to access a specific site or page and is classified as a guidance type.

Also known as a Go query, the more well-known and famous it is, the more it will be searched.

For example, search queries such as “Select One Co., Ltd.” and “Select One Co., Ltd. recommended information” are navigational queries.

transactional query

Transactional queries are “words and phrases that lead to actions on the Web by prospective customers, such as purchasing products or services or requesting materials,” and are categorized as transaction types.

Also known as a Do query, it refers to a specific user action.

For example, a combination of the words “SEO consulting inquiry” and “website production material” in a search query can be said to be a transactional query.

informational query

Informational queries are “words and phrases that solve the questions and desires of knowledge of search users” and are classified as information type.

Also known as a Know query, it is said to be the most frequently searched by users.

For example, search queries such as “ What is content marketing ?” and “What is SEO ?” are informational queries.

Search queries that mainly collect information, such as informational queries, do not directly lead to conversions, but they are important from a long-term perspective in attracting customers.

This is because even if the customer does not purchase at that time, there are cases in which they show interest in the company’s products and services and contact us later.

In this way, search queries are classified into three types according to the user’s search intent.

However, in recent years when information is overflowing, the keywords searched are also diversifying, so it is necessary to keep in mind that “not all keywords are classified into one of the three”.

How to use search terms in search ads

There are three ways to use search terms in search ads:

  • Add queries that lead to conversions
  • Correct keywords
  • Omit keywords that are not directly related to results

We’ll go into more detail below.

Add queries that lead to conversions

Add queries that convert to your search ads.

Even for people who are not getting the desired results from search ads so far, CV (conversion) can be increased further by encouraging users to take specific actions such as purchasing products, requesting information materials, and making inquiries. I can expect it.

For example, search queries such as “limited time” and “limited quantity” can be said to be transactional queries that are effective in increasing CV.

fix the keyword

By correcting the keywords in your search ads, you can eliminate the gap between user needs and search terms.

If you can’t set keywords that match the user’s search intent, you won’t be able to realize the cost-effectiveness that should be obtained if you set the correct keywords.

In order not to waste your hard-earned advertisements, make sure to regularly review whether the set keywords are in line with the user’s search intent.

Omit keywords that are not directly related to results

By omitting keywords that do not directly lead to results, you will be able to cut down on unnecessary advertising costs and focus on users who are likely to become your company’s prospective customers.

If you want to keep your ad bids low and get consistent results, filter out search queries that aren’t related to your business.

Keywords can be checked by looking at the search term report, so if you want to exclude keywords that do not lead to results, check the ad management screen.

In this way, there are various ways to use search terms in search ads.

Every method of utilization is thorough in “appealing to prospective customers”, and it helps to increase the cost-effectiveness of advertising.

By improving the problems with the ads you are currently issuing, let’s make sure that users click on the ads and take actions that lead to CVs (conversions).

For that reason, it is necessary to set keywords that match the prospective customers, so be careful.


This time, I explained about the search query, how was it?

A search query is “a word or phrase that a user uses when searching on a search engine such as Google.”

Keywords that are easily confused have differences in terms of whether they hold true in relation to search engines and who entered them. increase.

If you want to check search queries, use one of the four: Google Ads, Yahoo! Ads, Google Search Console, or Google Analytics.

Such search queries are classified into three types, navigational queries, transactional queries, and informational queries, depending on the user’s search intent.

Search terms in search ads can be more cost-effective than they are now if you add queries that lead to conversions, modify keywords, and omit keywords that do not directly lead to results.

If you want to improve the effectiveness of your search ads, why not use search queries to understand users’ search intentions and use them to improve your search ads?

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