What is a mnemonic code?

What is a mnemonic code

What is a mnemonic code?

A mnemonic code is a code whose data object can be associated with the code value.
For example, an image can be expressed as “IMG”, or an orange can be expressed as “OR”.

Why is a mnemonic code required?

The reason why mnemonic codes are used is that even when you read the code later, you can easily understand “what this series of programs is doing”, so maintainability is improved. As the word “mnemonic”, which means “ to help memory ”, is expressed, it is a way of writing code that allows programmers to remember their own code. For example, let’s say there is a fix for an image slider on a website. It’s been a long time since development, so even the programmer who wrote the code can’t remember how it worked. If you find the code “slider” directly, you can see that you need to modify that area. Also, program code written in mnemonic codes can easily be modified by a programmer other than the programmer who wrote it.

Other code types

In the Basic Information Engineer Examination and the Applied Information Engineer Examination, other code description methods may also be asked.
Now let’s look at how to write codes other than mnemonic codes.

sequence code

A sequence code , also known as a sequence code or serial number code, is a code that is ordered in ascending numerical order or alphabetical order.
For example, img01, img02, etc. are descriptions with serial numbers.

block code

A block code is a type of code, also called a block code.
Codes are managed by making the upper few digits of the code a value representing the division.
For example, codes starting with 00 are related to “food” and 10 is related to “drinks”.

decimal code

A decimal code is a code that uses only decimal numbers.

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