What are external measures in SEO? Introducing its effects

What are external measures in SEO

Everyone reading the article, do you know “external measures”, which is one of the SEO measures?

Even if you have heard it once, I think there are many people who do not know the details.

Therefore, this time, we will introduce “external measures in SEO”.

At that time, we will explain the SEO effects and methods that external measures bring, the effect measurement tools that should be used, and points to note.

What are external measures?

External measures refer to the “acquisition of external links from other sites”.

It may be called external measures, but the meaning of the word is the same. It is essential to improve the reputation of your website. There are two main types of external measures. It is as follows.

1. The URL of your company’s site can be pasted on the linked external site.

2. Citation A company name, site name, store name, or brand name mentioned on other sites or SNS.

In order to increase these backlinks and citations, you need to keep creating a lot of good content.

By properly implementing external measures, your site will be easier to find from search engines such as Google.

Generally speaking, SEO can be divided into two categories. It is as follows.

  • Internal Measures To improve the website. A typical example is content marketing (content SEO)
  • External measures Improve the quality and quantity of backlinks on the website.

In this way, in order to achieve results in SEO, it is necessary to take internal and external measures.

Above all, it is most important to continue to provide a large amount of high-quality content from the user’s point of view.

At that time, it can be said that it is effective to include search keywords that you want to take SEO measures in the content in a contextual manner. Because Google actually appreciates those websites too.

It also gives users the opportunity to learn about your company’s products and services, ultimately turning potential customers into fans.

Site operators who want to attract customers and increase the number of conversions by displaying their website at the top of the search ranking should take SEO measures, including external measures.

In this way, both internal measures and external measures are common in terms of SEO measures.

But there is a big difference between “inside” and “outside” the site. Let’s distinguish between the two.

Effects of external measures

Now that we have clarified what external measures are, let’s take a look at the “SEO effects of external measures”.

First of all, by taking external measures, your company’s site evaluation will increase.

A website with links from many websites is considered by Google to be popular with users.

Therefore, the number of inflows to your site will increase and the number of accesses will increase.

Ultimately, your website will be highly rated by search engines such as Google and will be displayed at the top of the search rankings.

In short, it can be said that the SEO effect of external measures is that the evaluation of the company’s site will increase and it will be displayed at the top of the search ranking.

Method of external countermeasures

Next, I will introduce concrete methods of how to take external measures.

It is required to take external measures along the following three steps.

Three steps in external measures

1. Continue to provide a large number of high-quality content over the long term.

At that time, it is necessary not only to distribute content on the website, but also to attract a lot of attention by releasing free tools and templates, and disseminating information on SNS.

For that reason, try to design a site that is easy for search users to spread on the Internet, such as adding a mechanism that the share button follows the scroll.

By having users experience the ease of use of the site, you can prevent the loss of opportunities such as “I wanted to share, but the site design is complicated and I don’t know how to share, so I stopped spreading it.”

2. Gain empathy from users. The site is highly rated with high support.

Many websites that continue to provide high-quality content are naturally trusted by users.

However, even if the quality is high, if the links are not related to each other, they will not be evaluated by Google.

If your site and the external site are related to each other, it will be easier to be evaluated.

In addition, by using the effectiveness measurement tool on a regular basis, you can check the acquisition status of external links for your own site and competitors’ sites.

3. Inbound links introduce articles on your site on external sites, and information about your site is shared in various ways on various SNS.

Evaluation from a third party is important when taking SEO external measures.

Therefore, it is necessary to attract the attention of many users through backlinks and citations.

Use of effectiveness measurement tools

When taking external measures, it is also necessary to periodically measure their effectiveness.

This is because the SEO effect that should be obtained is diminished by blindly taking external measures.

It can be said that the importance of the effect measurement tool is high in terms of verifying the acquisition status whether the acquisition of external links is successful or not.

There are two major impact measurement tools. It is as follows.

Google Search ConsoleFree  analytics tool 

Analyze everything about the state of your website and who visits it.

The name Google Search Console was changed from Google Webmaster Tools by Google after May 20, 2015. However, there are no major changes associated with it, and the specifications and functions are almost the same.

There are five main things that Google Search Console can tell you. It is as follows.

  1. You can see which pages have a lot of views and what keywords have a lot of inflows.
  2. You can see the external links directed to your website and the internal links within the site.
  3. You can invite crawlers to your website and promote indexing.
  4. You can see what keywords ( search queries ) are displayed.
  5. From the displayed search query, you can see how many clicks were made and the CTR (click-through rate).

In this way, by having Google authenticate the website managed by the company instead, the website operator will be able to take advantage of convenient functions.

ahrefs Paid competitor analysis tool

In addition to your own site, you can understand the backlink analysis of your competitor’s site.

In addition, you can check the expected inflow of keywords, social media reactions, and what content will be displayed at the top of the search engine.

Performance measurement tools are great for understanding where your site stands.

If you want your site to be evaluated with empathy and high support from users, let’s use it when operating external SEO measures.

Notes on external measures

There are a few things to keep in mind when taking external measures. It is as follows.

Watch the quantity and quality of external links

Since the Penguin update, one of the algorithm updates related to external links, was launched on April 24, 2012, Google has placed particular importance on content quality.

Be careful not to violate the guidelines set by Google

Links placed for the purpose of manipulating site ranking are considered part of the link program.

If the following links are actually posted on your website, you may be penalized.

  • Buyed and sold links
  • Unnatural links

Be careful how you use satellite sites

Self-produced links from satellite sites may receive penalties instead of increasing backlinks.

*Satellite site A site operated with a different theme or domain from the main site.

If you are penalized, the SEO effect will fade, and eventually your search ranking will also go down.

In order to avoid such a situation, it is required not to violate the terms and guidelines set by Google.

 In the unlikely event that a penalty is imposed, send a re-review request to Google or correct the site.

Once upon a time, increasing backlinks from satellite sites was effective. But with Google’s algorithm updates, black hat SEO (non-traditional SEO) no longer makes sense.

But even if you don’t get direct SEO benefits, you can still drive users from satellite sites to your main site.

In this way, when taking external measures, be careful of the following three points: “the quantity and quality of external links”, “links that conflict with the guidelines set by Google”, and “how to use satellite sites”.


This time , we introduced external measures, which are one of the SEO measures.

In SEO, external measures can be said to be one of the indicators that search engines such as Google place importance on when determining search rankings.

In order to improve your site’s reputation and, ultimately, your search rankings, you need external links from quality, relevant sites.

Whether it is backlinks or citations, evaluation by a third party is important for external SEO measures.

Such external measures tend to be neglected compared to internal measures, but it can be said that they are surprisingly important measures.

This is because Google and other search engines consider external measures in SEO as criteria for determining search rankings.

Therefore, site operators who want to realize the SEO effect should actively take external measures in SEO.

At the same time, please take advantage of the effectiveness measurement tools introduced this time.

Rather than simply continuing to provide content, it is easier to understand the position of your site if you regularly measure the effectiveness and understand the status of external link acquisition before operating it.

Also, make sure that external sites want to set up links to your site by publishing original free tools and templates on your website and by operating SNS.

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