How To Create A New Location On Instagram?

location on Instagram

A: It is not possible to create new location information on Instagram. Must be created from Facebook.

What is location information?

An Instagram location is a location that you can add when you post a photo.

The post below was taken at Haneda International Airport, and the location information of Haneda International Airport has been added.

How to create a new location

If you want to create new location information, use the check-in function of the Facebook app

If you don’t have the location you want to add to Instagram, add your location from Facebook’s check-in feature.

From here, we will introduce how to add when using the Facebook app for Android.

Step 1 : Log in to Facebook, tap “What are you doing now?”, and tap “Check in” from the transition page.

Step 2 : Search for the name of the place you want to add and confirm that it is not displayed, then tap “Add new spot”.

Step 3 : Select the location information category you want to add from the list under “Search Categories” or “Suggest Categories”.

Step 4 : Enter the location information you want to add in the search window, and a suggestion will be displayed. Select and tap the desired location from there.

Step 5 : Add the address to the location information and check if the flag is in the correct position on the map.

Read Also: How To Link Facebook Page And Twitter Account?

Things to keep in mind when creating location information

If creating from home, don’t select “I’m here now”

If you check ” I’m here now” in steps 4 and 5 above, your current location will be registered as location information . If you select it when you do, your home address and whereabouts will be registered, so be careful.

Set the public status of the post settings to “Public”

It seems that the addition of location information may not be reflected on Instagram depending on the public settings on Facebook. However, this point is not touched on both Facebook and Instagram official sites.

Location information may not be reflected on Instagram immediately

Adding your location from Facebook check-in doesn’t mean you can add your location on Instagram right away. The official website does not say how long it will take.

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