Is It True That SEO Measures Are Useless?

Seo measures

Doing SEO and getting results is no easy task. For this reason, some people tend to give up on SEO measures, thinking, “There is no point in trying hard for SEO,” or “Isn’t it more reliable to spend money on advertising?”

Therefore, in this article, while confirming the benefits of SEO, we will introduce the points for achieving results based on the reasons why results are not achieved easily.

The benefits of improved SEO

Benefit of improved SEO
Benefit of improved SEO

has no meaning! Let’s check the merits before dismissing it.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a measure to ensure that your website appears at the top of Google search results when users search for specific keywords.

And as a result, we will get a lot of user inflow.

When you take SEO measures…

  • By making your website higher in the search results, it will be easier for users to notice, and you can expect an increase in the number of inflows.
  • Conversely, the lower the ranking in search results, the less likely users will notice your website.

The biggest benefit of SEO is getting more users. In addition, let’s take a look at the various benefits that can contribute to the growth of your own business.

Improve the ability to attract customers to your company

The effect obtained by implementing SEO is ultimately to attract users to your site.

It is necessary to implement the following measures to connect users who have gathered on your site to the purchase of products and services by SEO, and it is difficult to see the effect of direct sales improvement with SEO alone. As a result, you may not feel the benefits of focusing on SEO.

However, there should be potential customers among the gathered users. By improving your SEO, you can increase the visibility of your products and services.

In addition, if you are displayed at the top of the search results for big words that are searched many times by many users, you will be trusted by users and you will be able to appeal the brand power of your website.

Content is an asset

Publishing high-quality content that contains useful information for users is an essential measure for improving SEO.

Publishing quality content is different from advertising, which disappears once you stop paying for advertising. It remains an important element that makes up your website and becomes an asset for your company.

By continuing to create, transmit, and accumulate high-quality content, your website will grow and gain the trust of users and search engines.

The domain value of your website, that is, the domain power, will also increase. In order to grow domain authority, it is necessary to steadily accumulate high-quality content, so in principle it takes a long time.

A website that has been nurtured with time and effort should attract many users and become a powerful weapon for promoting your business.

Successful SEO reduces the cost of user influx

If you want to attract users without doing any SEO, you need to hit listing ads.

However, in order to maintain a continuous user inflow through advertising, advertising costs must also continue to be paid.

The basics of SEO are to predict the keywords that users who want to deliver unique content produced by your company are likely to search for, link the keywords and content, and send them to the search engine.

If it is just basic SEO measures, it can be done at almost no cost (content production costs etc. will be charged). Also, unlike advertising, clicks in search results do not cost money, so if SEO is successful, it can be said to be a highly cost-effective measure.

Read Also: What SEO Measures Can You Do Yourself?

Why is SEO not working for you?

Why is SEO not working
Why is SEO not working

SEO measures have many benefits, but since the algorithm causes ranking fluctuations, it does not mean that you will definitely get results if you work on it.

The Google algorithm is updated on a daily basis, and large-scale updates are made regularly, and the criteria for evaluating websites are not completely clarified, so we do not fully understand the algorithm. It’s impossible to do solid SEO.

One thing I can say for sure is that user-first content will be appreciated . What search engines are looking for in SEO for each website is whether it provides useful information to users and is a website that is easy for users to use.

Here, based on a user-first perspective, let’s list the main reasons why the SEO that many websites tend to do is not effective.

[Cause 1] The amount of information is less than competing sites

If there is a site that provides more detailed information than our own site or provides original information, the ranking will go down.

The Google search engine uses robots called ” crawlers ” to crawl the Internet. Crawlers read the information on each website, understand the content, and determine the search ranking. Therefore, content that covers more of what the user wants to know will be evaluated preferentially.

However, it is not a good idea to add information blindly, so be sure to properly describe the information that users who are searching for the content want.

[Cause 2] Keywords and contents do not match

After creating content, when setting keywords for SEO measures, if the keywords and content do not match, you will not get results.

In addition, it is important that users who search with the set keywords can see the content posted on your company’s website, know what they want to know, and be able to solve their questions and concerns.

If your content doesn’t contain the information users are looking for, they will quickly leave and you won’t be able to rank high in search results. When creating content, it is necessary to research related keywords and analyze the user’s questions and concerns behind the keywords.

If you neglect to analyze keywords, the user’s search intent and the contents of the content may not match, resulting in self-satisfying content. If you have any questions, please contact Niall below. We will help you create reliable content by experts.

[Cause 3] The link structure in the website is not in order

A website that is difficult for users to use will not produce good SEO results.

For example, broken links that lead to ” 404 not found ” or links to the wrong page are not user-friendly. Search engine crawlers follow links within a website to read the content of each page.

If there is an inappropriate link page, the correct content cannot be conveyed to the crawler, and the user will judge that the website is difficult to use. As a result, there is a possibility that the SEO evaluation will not improve, so it is important to build a website with high usability.

[Cause 4] Shortly after launching the website

In the case of a website that has just been opened, there is a possibility that the search engine side has not yet completed a proper evaluation.

The reason why the SEO rating does not improve is not only operational problems, but there are also cases where the ranking does not rise easily even if the website has just been launched.

Appropriate evaluation may be made in about half a year, so in the meantime, carry out appropriate SEO measures so that it will be displayed as high as possible.

3 major points for content creation to succeed in SEO

As a point to succeed in SEO, I will mainly explain the three points that I want to be aware of at a minimum in content production.

When it comes to SEO measures, the direction of measures can be broadly divided into two. The first is “technical SEO” to respond appropriately to search engines, and the second is “content SEO” through content creation .

The first, technical SEO, is to help search engine crawlers correctly evaluate your website and each piece of content and index it in the right order. Then, in order to increase the index ranking, we will implement various ingenuity.

For example, the following measures are technical SEO.

  • Arrange the link structure in the website so that it is easy for crawlers to understand
  • Summarize content title tags and meta descriptions to the appropriate number of characters
  • Compatible with mobile specifications
  • Reduce page load time

By setting up technical SEO and then implementing content SEO, your website will be highly evaluated as a website that is friendly to search engines, beneficial to users, and easy to use.

So, what is the point of the second content SEO? I will explain them one by one.

Check out popular keywords

First, check the search performance of the keyword you are trying to set.

For example, in order to create an article about “Mother’s Day Gifts,” you want to explore the search performance of the keyword “Mother’s Day.”

The search volume for “Mother’s Day” is very high, but users who searched for “Mother’s Day” were not only asking about “Mother’s Day gifts”, but also “When is Mother’s Day this year?” , “What is the origin of Mother’s Day?”

Therefore, we check not only “Mother’s Day” but also the search volume when combined with multiple keywords such as “Mother’s Day gifts”. However, just because a keyword has a high search volume doesn’t mean it’s the best keyword. The higher the search volume, the more likely there is competition.

Among the various combinations of keywords, there are keywords that have flowed in to competitors but not to your company, and keywords that have high expectations that users who have flowed in will convert. We will decide the keywords to set by considering various factors.

Exploring User Needs Behind Keywords

Next, guess the user’s search intention from the search keyword, consider what information the user is looking for, and think about the content.

It’s impossible to fully understand the user’s intent, so we have to guess from several perspectives. Here are some tips for understanding user search intent. For example, let’s check what kind of page is displayed as a result when searching with the keyword to be set.

From the trend of the pages displayed at the top, you will be able to see the information that the user is looking for. In addition, it is also effective to search on SNS, Yahoo! Furthermore, based on the collected information, it is more effective if you can interview users and hear their voices.

Produce content that meets user needs

Once you have a good grasp of the user’s needs, you can start creating content that meets those needs.

Content presentation is not limited to text-based articles. In order to convey the information requested by the user more accurately, illustrations, videos and audio may be used.

It would be nice if users could experience various choices, such as preparing a white paper for detailed content and making it available for download, or making it possible to purchase products. It is desirable that the contents should be comprehensive articles with one theme.

Before giving up on SEO measures, let’s borrow the power of an outside company

Seo measures
Seo measures

SEO isn’t just for a select group of people with special skills.

It will be a steady work, but if you improve the weak points in terms of SEO on your website, carefully research user needs, and work on creating high-quality content, you will see results. It is possible.

If it is difficult to carry out SEO measures by yourself, it is also a method to borrow the power of an external company. From technical SEO to content production strategy, you can partially outsource the necessary SEO for your website, or you can entrust the overall SEO strategy.

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