8 Advantages of ICT Education for Students and Teachers

ICT education

What is ICT education? What are the advantages and disadvantages?

It has been decided that ICT education will be introduced in Japan as well.

I tried to summarize the points, advantages, and disadvantages of “What is ICT education?”

If you are worried about using ICT in the field of education, please refer to it.

What is ICT education?

What is ICT education
What is ICT education

ICT education is a study method using IT technology called information communication technology in Japanese. Specifically, research learning using computers and tablets in class.

ICT education is expected to continue to expand in the future. The introduction of ICT education has made it possible to conduct classes that were unimaginable in classrooms of the past.

Since the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology is actively promoting it, the merits of ICT education will be received nationwide.

Education using information and communication technology

ICT education, which is education that utilizes information and communication technology, is spreading not only in Japan but also around the world.

In Japan, the cabinet decided to introduce one information terminal per person . Looking further overseas, in Estonia, the digitization of learning materials is progressing, and the educational gap between regions is shrinking.

In the Netherlands, homes and schools share a learning progress management app, and students, teachers, and parents can easily check the level of understanding of academic work.

8 merits of ICT education

8 merits of ICT education
8 merits of ICT education

ICT education has many advantages. The reason why her introduction of ICT education is progressing at a rapid pace in Japan is that although there are some issues, it can be expected to have excellent learning effects for children.

Furthermore, ICT education has benefits not only for students but also for teachers. If you understand the benefits of ICT education, you will be able to use it when you introduce ICT education.

student benefits

Students studying at educational institutions that have introduced ICT education have many benefits. Compared to the days when classes were taught using only books and blackboards, we are in a transition period in which the field of education is undergoing major changes.

Voluntary learning using tablets and other devices gives students an opportunity to realize the joy of learning , rather than one-sided conversations by the teacher .

There are many benefits to using the Internet, and you can easily interact with children overseas.

Advantage 1: Wider range of class content

One of the benefits of introducing ICT education is that it expands the range of class content . The use of a tablet dramatically changes the class that used to be just a clean copy of the teacher’s blackboard.

For example, you can use the video function to discuss with students who live far away. You can easily communicate with students from overseas who speak English or Chinese, so you will be able to acquire a global perspective.

Advantage 2: Increased interest and interest

It can be said that the increase in interest and concern is an advantage of the introduction of ICT education. If you are interested in what is written in the book, you will be able to easily search using the tablet.

In addition, lessons using audio and animation are easier to attract children’s attention. In addition, it will be easier for you to understand things such as geography and history that you couldn’t understand with text alone by watching videos.

The more interests you have, the more fun you will have learning. It will also motivate you to learn.

Advantage 3: Independent and cooperative classes can be conducted

One of the benefits of ICT education is that students can take initiative and collaborate in class . You will enjoy taking classes because you are not just listening to the teacher one-sidedly.

If you share the contents of the blackboard to the student’s terminal, you can assign a different time to copy the blackboard. Students can also use tablets to actively participate in classes, so teachers can not only speak unilaterally but also have two-way communication.

Advantage 4: Information can be conveyed visually and audibly

Being able to convey information visually and aurally is an advantage of ICT education. If you express the geometrical problem in three dimensions, you will be able to understand it much better than just explaining it on a flat sheet of paper.

Images and videos are easy to attract students’ attention, so you can expect the effect of increasing motivation when learning. It can convey information more accurately than text alone, so it will be easier to get a correct understanding.

The use of ICT education will help us to make classes easier to attract children’s attention.

Faculty benefits

ICT education has great benefits for teachers as well. Teachers are also creating lessons through trial and error, but I think it will be possible to make lessons easier to understand by using videos and images rather than text.

Here are four major benefits for teachers. By knowing the merits of teachers on the student side, her understanding of ICT education will progress.

There is no doubt that ICT education, which has many merits, will become a standard educational method in the future.

Advantage 1: Reduced writing on the board and print preparation time

The first big advantage is that you can reduce the time for writing on the board and preparing for printing . If you share what you used to write on the blackboard with your students on a tablet, you can save yourself the trouble of writing the same content over and over on the blackboard.

Also, printing prints was a big time loss for teachers.

If ICT education progresses, all you have to do is share the materials on your tablet. It saves you the trouble of printing and will help protect the global environment.

Advantage 2: Easy utilization of information

Being able to use information easily is a great advantage for teachers. Because it is electronic data rather than paper, you will be able to find what you want to search instantly.

Until now, teachers often used paper-based information and lost time. If you make good use of electronic data, you will be able to quickly prepare for classes.

The problem is that teachers are busy. Advances in ICT education can also contribute to work style reforms for teachers.

Advantage 3: You can get information quickly

Being able to get information quickly is a big advantage. The latest information is also easily available, so you can respond to new academics and discoveries better than paper textbooks.

If an unexpected question comes from a student, it is possible to immediately search for it in ICT education. Resolving students’ doubts immediately contributes to the creation of better classes.

If you search for examples of ICT education and imitate them, you will be able to learn effectively with a tablet.

Advantage 4: Information can be easily shared among teachers

Being able to easily share information between teachers is a big advantage. If you share the materials you used in class with each other, the time to create materials will change significantly.

Also, if you can easily share the progress of the class, it will be easier to manage the learning results for each grade. If you share information frequently, even if a teacher suddenly takes a break, the successor teacher can easily handle it. By sharing how to use ICT education, you can get hints on how to use tablets and other devices well.

Disadvantages of ICT education

Disadvantages of ICT education~1
Disadvantages of ICT education~1

Although ICT education has many advantages, it also has disadvantages.

For example, in the case of a class that relies on tablets, if the tablet malfunctions, it will be difficult to continue the class. Furthermore, he said that it costs money to introduce equipment for ICT education. Furthermore, if security measures are not thoroughly implemented, there is a risk that class content and student grades will be leaked to the outside.

Moreover, prolonged device use can have a significant impact on a child’s body.

It is necessary to respond with an understanding of the disadvantages

Sites that want to promote ICT education need to keep in mind that there are disadvantages . It is also recommended to ask a professional to take measures, such as asking a security expert to handle it.

Looking at the global trend, it is impossible to stop the progress of ICT education. Therefore, students and teachers have to respond to solve the disadvantages well.

Let’s take countermeasures, such as frequently checking for problems and the Wi-Fi environment.

Two points for using tablets in ICT education

tablets in ICT education
tablets in ICT education

Tablets are the main device used by students in ICT education . Tablets are easy to operate and portable, so if you use them wisely, you will get a great learning effect .

To make the most of a tablet, you need to keep two major points in mind.

Please check carefully if you are considering introducing a tablet. Also, if there are students who are unfamiliar with tablets, it is important to give a lecture on how to use them in advance.

Point 1: Interlocking main computer and tablet

Firmly linking the main computer and tablet will lead to effective use of ICT education.

If they are not well coordinated, the class will not proceed smoothly. Setting up your main computer and tablet to work together is easier than it used to be, but some people find it difficult.

If you have a teacher in charge of ICT education, it is safe to share the setting method in a folder etc. in case of sudden holidays or transfers.

Point 2: Enable wireless LAN

Having a wireless LAN available is essential when using a tablet.

Let’s prepare the facilities so that wireless LAN can be used throughout the school. In ICT education, it is also assumed that students will go outdoors and study things. Therefore, it is necessary to connect a wireless LAN access point so that the tablet can be used in the schoolyard.

There are many companies that offer support, so it is important to have multiple meetings with the person in charge first.

Disadvantages of ICT education

Disadvantages of ICT education
Disadvantages of ICT education

ICT education also has disadvantages. Both students and teachers will be able to use it correctly by keeping in mind the bad points.

Disadvantages include the possibility of regional disparities. Different municipalities have different budgets for his ICT education, which is why the quality of the devices varies.

Furthermore, there is a big difference in the quality of classes between when there is a teacher who is familiar with ICT education and when there is not. Device education for teachers is also required.

It is necessary to respond with an understanding of the disadvantages

A response that understands the disadvantages is required in the educational field.

It will also be necessary to increase the knowledge of teachers about devices through training. We must avoid being negative about ICT education because we care too much about its disadvantages. It is important to use the disadvantages correctly and try to minimize them.

If it is difficult for teachers to deal with the problem on their own, it will be necessary to take measures such as borrowing the help of specialists. Meetings with local governments and boards of education are also important.

Understand the merits of ICT education and introduce it well

merits of ICT education
merits of ICT education

There is no doubt that ICT education will become a standard educational method in the future.

It is necessary to understand both the advantages and disadvantages and proceed accordingly. If you are unfamiliar with ICT education, it is more efficient and accurate to ask an expert or company to help you. Let’s use it in the educational field while doing trial and error.

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