How to Make a Self-Introduction That Makes You Think It’s Interesting?


Leave an Impact On Job Hunting with an Interesting Self-Introduction

You may recall that there was a person who gave an interesting self-introduction at a drinking party. Such people must have had such an impact that they would be able to remember it immediately even if they looked back on it later.

You want to make a similar impact in your job search and leave a lasting impression on recruiters, but I think many people think it’s taboo to introduce yourself interestingly in an interview.

Actually, even an interesting self-introduction can improve the impression of the interview depending on how you do it. After explaining the key points why corporate recruiters seek “interesting”, I will introduce how to introduce myself with actual example sentences.

What can be appealed by giving an interesting self-introduction?

interesting self-introduction
interesting self-introduction

Among friends, it is attractive to have someone who introduces himself/herself in an interesting way. Friends can understand, but is an interesting self-introduction really what companies want? There must be a lot of job hunting students who have doubts.

In fact, there are appealing points in an interesting self-introduction that will impress corporate recruiters. First of all, I will tell you what kind of merits there are for companies by making an interesting self-introduction. If you can understand the contents of the explanation, you will want to appeal to the recruiting staff of the company that you are an interesting person.

humorous personality

The impression people make when they meet for the first time remains as an impression of that person. Therefore, if you first meet someone and think that they are “interesting people,” that impression will continue. The impression of “interesting person” is also connected to the image of being easy to talk to, cheerful, and active.

When you meet people, you introduce yourself to each other, not just when you are looking for a job. When you introduce yourself to your boss after joining the company, or when you introduce yourself to a customer at a customer’s place, you can create humor by making an interesting self-introduction and making it interesting.

Humor allows you to reach out to people and build more intimate conversations and relationships. Even after joining the company, having a sense of humor makes the work progress smoothly, which makes a good impression on corporate recruiters.

Expect to have original ideas

In order to have a humorous story, you need to see things from a different perspective and come up with new ideas. I’m sure you’ve seen a comedy program once, but there are even scenes where comedians’ skits and stand-up comedians’ conversations make you think, “It was an idea I hadn’t even thought of.” That’s how much laughter requires a little awareness that you don’t usually care about, and ideas that don’t come out in normal conversation.

By giving an interesting self-introduction, the company’s recruiting staff not only gives the impression that you are an interesting person, but also thoroughly checks the possibility that you are a person who can think creatively. Today’s companies are in great need of human resources who can create new services with new ideas, so they are valuable.

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Many people have anxiety about interviews. Don’t you feel like you’re not as prepared as other job hunters?

leave a positive impression

Imagine someone close to you that you find interesting. Don’t you have the impression that funny people not only brighten up their surroundings, but they are also positive people? Some people are already nervous at an interview, so even if they are normally cheerful and energetic, they may look down a little. There are many things.

Under such circumstances, making the other person think that you are interesting can instill a positive image in the interviewer, and you will definitely be a very impressive person. It is thought that there are few people who want to work with negative people when working together. It is said that a positive and cheerful person is good, so let’s make the interview interesting.

kindness in fun

What kind of expression do you imagine on the other person’s face when you try to make them think you’re funny? You want the other person to smile, and you want them to smile. I think that when you want to make people smile, you try your best to talk about episodes that you found interesting, and you have the image of making yourself smile while using gestures.

These feelings of wanting to be found interesting are feelings that appear when you want to make the other person smile, so the same goes for interviews. Wanting the interviewer to smile can make you feel the kindness in the fun of wanting to make people smile. Remember, there is a feeling of warmth and kindness in being funny.

Make you think that you are someone who brightens up the atmosphere in the company

During the interview, the interviewer has to determine what kind of person the applicant is in a short amount of time. For each question the interviewer asks, I will conduct the interview with the point in mind whether this person and the company are a good match for working together in the future. No one wants to work with someone who is grumpy, always expressionless, taciturn, and gloomy.

An interesting person is often regarded as a mood maker in the company, and it can be caught in the wind that brightens the atmosphere in the company. In an interview, the most important thing is to make the person want to work with you, so you can say that an interesting person is also someone who can win the heart of the interviewer.

5 self-introduction stories that are likely to be interesting

self-introduction stories
self-introduction stories

So, I picked up five self-introduction stories that are likely to be interesting, so I will introduce them. I chose something that would not only liven up the place, but would also be easy to use as an introduction to the answers at the time of the interview. It takes a lot of courage to change the atmosphere of the place, but if you can change the atmosphere of the place naturally, you can make the interviewer expect what the next story will be.

・Name story
・Hobby story
・Special skill story
・Local story
・Gap story

Here are 5 of them. If you can entertain the other person in the natural flow of the story and draw them to your story, you can think that you are one step ahead of other job hunters.

Your humor and originality will be interesting, and your positive story will grab the interviewer’s attention. It is expected that the interview will be smooth overall. Let them associate you with a person who can brighten up the atmosphere in your office so that they will think, “It would be nice to have someone like this in the office.”

① Name material

The first is name material. A name is a special word given to a person at birth. Parents give their children names that they wish for prosperity. A wonderful gift called a name is a word only for oneself, and I think that everyone has feelings for it. So, if you introduce yourself interestingly using your unique name, it will be a very original and impressive self-introduction.

② Hobbies

Next, I will talk about hobbies. Hobbies are subjects that are easy to relate to and easy to talk about. It is also effective for guiding conversations, and the more interesting the content, the more you can lead the flow of the story. Instead of just sharing your hobbies, try to share the benefits and special skills you have gained through your hobbies.

 Special skills

Introduce special skills. Special skills are different from hobbies, so let’s introduce special skills that only you have or what you’re good at. Even if it is difficult for others to sympathize with the skills that only you have, you can easily sympathize by arranging them in an interesting way. However, be sure to also tell them what you want to be with that skill and how you can help the company.

④ Local material

Next, I will introduce local stories. Local stories are difficult to understand unless you are familiar with the geography of the person’s local area, but stories unique to the countryside are easy to laugh at. You can make a very interesting self-introduction by appealing that you were able to have a different experience than people living in urban areas because you live in the countryside.

⑤ Gap material

The last thing I would like to introduce is the gap story. You can grab the other person’s heart by making a story about what you feel inferior and developing the story as a gap. Please note that it is not desirable if the content is too self-deprecating.

You can use funny self-introductions even with ES catchphrases

funny self-introductions
funny self-introductions

A funny self-introduction can also be used as an ES catchphrase. When answering the ES questions, “What would you describe yourself in one word?” “Tell me your catchphrase.”

You may have questions. When I was a student, I don’t think there were many opportunities to come up with a phrase to describe yourself in one word, so I think there are many people who are puzzled by this kind of question. In this chapter, I will explain the points to create an interesting catchphrase.

During the interview, you may be asked questions based on your catchphrase. Your tagline will make a first impression on applicants. Pick attractive words to make it a profitable catchphrase. And try to come up with a catchphrase that ends in one word, but not too long.

ES of major companies may be questioned

In fact, catchphrase questions are often asked at ESs of major companies. Large companies receive tens of thousands of applications, so companies also spend a lot of effort on document screening. A catchphrase in one word expresses the characteristics of a person. Companies will want to meet you if you have an attractive catchphrase that shines from among the many job openings.

Also, if the content of the catchphrase is well self-analyzed and is perfect for that person, the impression will be very good. And the more catchy your words are, the more recruiters perceive you as someone who understands themselves better.

People who are able to self-analyze and understand themselves have clear goals, and many of them have a clear idea of ​​what they want to do after joining the company, so there are few mismatches after joining the company. For these reasons, major companies actively ask questions about taglines.

Need a strong catchphrase

Please think about your catchphrase with impact in mind. A generic catchphrase won’t move people’s hearts. Let’s make something that convinces the other party in one word.

For that reason, it is important to do self-analysis, as I mentioned earlier. On top of that, add ingenuity that can make a strong impression, and create a catchphrase with impact. When crafting your tagline, look for impact and don’t overdo it. Don’t use fictional stories or lies.

Find catchy words that best describe you. At first, it may be difficult to get the hang of creating a catchphrase, so here are three examples. Please use it as a reference for creating a catchphrase.

Example ①

Here are some catchphrases that are recommended for those who want to express strength with continuity and consistency.

・I loved baseball every day for 10 years.
・I have been playing lacrosse for 4 years.

Numbers are an effective verbal element for persuading others. By telling the person you’ve been working continuously, such as “10 years,” you can show that you’re a person who works hard and has a positive attitude to achieve your goals. You can make it more interesting by using the words “loved” and “straight line” instead of just playing sports.

(NG example)
・I have been drawing for 5 years.

Five years is an effective representation of continuity. However, painting is more likely to be seen as an extension of a hobby, unless it is a professional occupation. In order to express the power of persistence, it is more effective to connect it with something you have worked hard on or achieved something, so if possible, try to use examples of club activities and evaluations.

Example ②

Here are some examples of interesting presentations of awards and recognition.

・I am an Eiken Level 1 holder who won the Korean Speech Contest.

In this way, you can appeal that you are very good at languages ​​by showing that you are good at Korean as well as English with a catchphrase.

In a natural expression, by writing a sentence about being able to speak two languages, you can make them feel the unexpectedness that they are also good at other things. Unexpectedness is an element that is easy to find interesting, like gaps. Try using catchphrases that are unexpected.

(NG example)
・Won 4 contests and got 5 qualifications

This is an example where you want to show off the number of times you have won prizes and the number of qualifications you have acquired. There is no doubt that the number of times you have won prizes and the number of qualifications you hold is the charm of that person. However, if only numbers are listed, it will feel like a boast rather than a funny catchphrase. During job hunting, you are required to be humble and not arrogant, so let’s focus on what you want to say.

Example ③

Here are some funny catchphrases that compare yourself to animals.

・Like a lion, it never misses its prey and protects its friends from enemies.

Animal-like catchphrases can be impersonal and intriguing. A lion never misses its prey, and is a responsible animal that takes care of its family and friends. You can express the strength to capture things with an aggressive posture like a lion.

And by adding episodes that required a sense of responsibility and judgment, you can convey positive thoughts that expand business opportunities.

(NG example)
・I am a teamwork boss monkey who values ​​harmony.

Monkeys are social animals. The boss manages the relationships and rankings of the monkeys in the herd. Seeing the harmony of the group as a leader is a skill that can be used in society, but when it comes to boss monkeys, it is associated with violence. It’s good to be seen as active, but it also comes with a rough image, so be careful about whether the animal you’re comparing is appropriate.

How to build an interesting self-introduction of the iron plate

How to build an interesting self-introduction
How to build an interesting self-introduction

It’s hard to come up with an interesting self-introduction. It’s hard work to put together an interesting self-introduction. Even if you search on the Internet, you can’t find anything that suits you, and it seems that all the things that appear on the top of searches on the Internet are also checked by corporate recruiters, so it is difficult to include them in the story.

I will introduce how to construct an interesting self-introduction based on the information obtained in the student life so far for such a job hunting student.

Refer to self-introductions that you find interesting

If you feel that you don’t have an interesting self-introduction in your drawer, the first step is to imitate it. There must have been friends who were often talked to by everyone at parties and drinking parties, and people would gather around them. Such a person has a few things to talk about.

In particular, if you have a friend who introduced yourself in a way that attracted other people when you first met them, or someone who was very attracted to you when you met them for the first time, let’s look back and learn from them.

Put aside topics that didn’t interest you, even if they made you laugh when you introduced yourself. It is difficult to have a good conversation when you introduce yourself, so first refer to self-introductions that you find interesting.

Write a self-introduction and refine it for job hunting

Even if you try to use a self-introduction that you find interesting, it won’t be very useful in a job-hunting self-introduction. Instead of thinking about this in your head, write down an interesting self-introduction that you used as a reference.

Think about what parts of your self-introduction you find interesting, and draw a line around only the parts that make you laugh. Let’s assemble the self-introduction while leaving the part where the line was drawn. After that, replace the part of the self-introduction that is not laughing with yourself.

Also, even in the part where you laughed, there must be something that you were able to laugh because you introduced yourself on the spot.

Create points by incorporating words that you find interesting

There is a method of fleshing out the sentences based on the interesting self-introductions that you refer to, but there is also a method of arranging words (one short word) that you think are interesting and then recreating your job-hunting self-introduction.

First, pick up and line up only the points that you thought were particularly interesting in the past interesting self-introductions. Among those points, I will superimpose the words that seem to match my self-introduction for job hunting. Let’s develop an interesting story around the combination of words.

Since this is composed mainly of words such as short sentences and words, it is better to write the words on post-its (sticky notes) and give shape to ideas by sticking, peeling, and rearranging them in the flow of one sentence. Easy to create.

Notes on interesting self-introductions

Interesting examples of self-introduction
Interesting examples of self-introduction

So far, I’ve introduced the goodness of funny self-introductions, but not just any funny self-introduction is good. Of course, since this is a job-hunting self-introduction, the keyword is to introduce yourself in a manner that reflects your personality as a member of society.

However, I think that there are many people who do not know the appropriate line of remarks as a member of society. I will introduce what kind of self-introduction is not appropriate and what points you should pay attention to when making an interesting self-introduction.

Vulgar self-introduction is NG

Even if you think that self-introduction at parties and drinking parties is interesting and useful, it is only a story among friends. Even if it is well received at a drinking party, it does not mean that you can use it for job hunting. Self-introduction during job hunting is just a work-related story. Be aware of that and avoid vulgar content or content that slanders or slanders someone. Your interesting personality will have the opposite effect.

Be careful not to go overboard with self-introductions or eccentric behaviors, as the evaluation will suddenly become negative. Also, even if the conversation seems to be funny at first glance, it may be seen as a negative personality. Please be aware that this may leave a bad impression.

time is not too long

Usually, it is said that one to one and a half minutes of self-introduction is easy for listeners to listen to. Although it is possible to attract recruiters with an interesting self-introduction, if you talk too long, the recruiters will get bored.

By summarizing the story compactly in a short time, you can give the impression that you are an interesting person and that you are good at summarizing the story. Try to keep it to 2 to 3 minutes at most.

Also, depending on the company, there may be a specified time, such as asking you to introduce yourself in less than one minute. If you prepare several patterns of conversation stories in advance, you won’t panic even if the time is suddenly assigned at the time of the interview.

Do not introduce yourself with gestures

In order to introduce myself interestingly, I would like to use gestures and over-react, but that is just job hunting. At the same time, it is also seen by corporate recruiters that they can respond appropriately to the situation.

Human beings receive far more information visually than auditory. If a person moves too much with gestures, the awareness of the person in charge of recruitment at the company will go to the action, and the impression of a restless person will be left strongly. You should be careful.

However, facial expressions and the tone of speech and speech are very important because they leave a stronger impression than the content of the conversation. Since you are making an interesting self-introduction, try to smile and speak clearly.

don’t overdo it

An interesting self-introduction will attract the interviewer’s interest, but only because you are relaxed. Even if a person who is really nervous at an interview tells an interesting story, the place will be empty and the atmosphere will be strange. A funny self-introduction doesn’t mean getting a laugh like a comedian.

The goal is to make the interview more comfortable and make the interviewer think, “This person is someone who can show himself well even in this kind of situation.” An interview is different from a normal conversation with friends or a drinking party, so don’t force yourself to talk about something interesting. If you know your character and can bring out the humor that matches your stature, that’s the correct answer.

Let’s win the employment of the desired company with an interesting self-introduction!

I hope you have understood that the way you structure your interesting self-introduction story can make a good impression on company recruiters. Of course, a serious and clear self-introduction is also important. But sometimes humor can bring you closer to the hiring manager.

Surprisingly, corporate recruiters are looking for personalities who can bring laughter to the environment. Not only that, we also check job-hunting students from a deep perspective to see if they can come up with original ideas.

By all means, while remembering the fun memories of drinking parties and parties, let’s overcome the interview with the company you want with a bright feeling and win the job.

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