How to Create a Concept That Is the Core of Creativity

How to create a concept

Can you give a clear and concise answer as to what the concept is?

When I search for concepts in dictionaries or on the Internet, I often find that they are written in the form of “concepts.” When you say it’s a concept, it’s even more difficult to understand, isn’t it? It also says, “The basic perspective and way of thinking that penetrates the whole in planning and advertising.” This explanation is somewhat clearer, but still blurry.

The concept is the skeleton

When I am asked what the concept is, I answer that it is the central existence, the core. In human terms, it is a bone. Bone. Just as a person without bones cannot stand, a creative without a concept cannot stand. bored. Of course, you can somehow exist without a concept, but it’s a blur.

A concept is the “skeleton” of a typeface. The skeleton is very important for a typeface. Just like when creating a typeface, we start with the skeleton (core) of the creative.

The concept is just a skeleton

After creating a concept, it is important to flesh it out. However, the degree to which the atmosphere changes completely depending on the meat is just right. Even with typefaces, there are typefaces that have the same skeleton but become Gothic or Mincho depending on the element.

concept making process

As for how to create a concept, this is my method, but since a concept is also a kind of idea, it is easier to create if you follow the same process as creating an idea.

According to James W. Young’s book “How to Generate Ideas,” which can be used as a reference for generating ideas, he states that there are five stages in generating ideas.
A brief summary is as follows.

  1. Information gathering
  2. Mastication
  3. Abandonment
  4. Visiting
  5. Refinement

1. Information gathering

It is important to write down information specific to the idea, and it is also important to collect general information (information obtained in everyday life unrelated to the idea) on a regular basis. increase. New ideas are born from the combination of specific information and general information.

2. Mastication

The importance of looking at, rearranging, and combining the information collected in 1, and inputting information from various angles into your head. In fact, I often spend a lot of time doing 1.2. It’s an image that fills your head with that information.

3. Abandonment

It is a step to forget what you thought once. This is really very important. This process mixes and organizes the information and leads to new 4. visits. In my case, this is the act of taking a shower. Depending on the person, it seems to be various such as when taking a walk or entering the toilet.

5. Realize

Here, even if an idea is born, it is very difficult to put it into a usable form, and he talks about the importance of brushing up by having people see it in the process of creating ideas.
I introduced it in a hurry, but that’s it for “how to create an idea”. In fact, to my surprise, I use the same process to create concepts.

Best concept creation tips

As a way of thinking peculiar to the concept, it is to find a few keywords that can not be thrown away, appearing by stripping down what you want to convey to the limit. We create words based on that. It is an image that if you simmer meat with bones for a long time, only the bones will be left.

Add something else to the keyword that came up, mix it further, search for synonyms, convert the keyword into a four-letter idiom, try English, or look up related words. , We will create a concept word while incorporating elements of word play.

Best concept creation tips
Best concept creation tips

The concept is the core, so if you are conscious of minimizing the waste of what you want to convey and not including tommana, you will be able to create a concept that is different from the past and drop it from the concept to the creative, which will surely be fun. If you get used to it, it will be easier to be creative!
Let’s Enjoy concept work!

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