How Old is My iPhone – Discover the Best and Easiest Ways

Do you ever find yourself wondering just how old your trusty iPhone is? Whether you’ve lost track of time or recently acquired a second-hand device, knowing the age of your iPhone can be useful for various reasons. In this article, we’ll explore the best and easiest ways to find out the age of your iPhone.

1. Check the Model Number

Each iPhone model comes with a unique model number that contains valuable information about the device, including its release year. To find your iPhone’s model number, follow these steps:

  • Go to “Settings.”
  • Scroll down and tap “General.”
  • Select “About.”
  • Look for “Model” or “Model Number.”
  • You’ll see a code starting with “A.” The next four digits represent the model number. For instance, “A2172” corresponds to an iPhone 12 model.

Once you’ve identified the model number, you can easily search online for its release date.

2. Use Apple’s Check Coverage Tool

Apple provides a handy online tool called “Check Coverage” that allows you to check the warranty status and purchase date of your iPhone. Here’s how to use it:

  • Open your web browser and go to Apple’s “Check Coverage” webpage.
  • Enter your iPhone’s serial number. You can find this in the “About” section in your iPhone’s settings.
  • Complete the CAPTCHA security check.
  • Click “Continue.”

Apple will then provide you with information about your iPhone, including the purchase date. This date gives you a good estimate of how old your device is.

3. Decode the Serial Number

While checking the warranty status, Apple also provides the option to view the iPhone’s serial number. This serial number can be deciphered to determine the manufacturing date. The format varies slightly over the years, but the 11th digit typically represents the year of production.

For example, if your serial number ends with “7K612,” the “7” indicates that your iPhone was manufactured in 2017.

4. Use Third-Party Apps

Several third-party apps are designed to provide detailed information about your iPhone, including its age. Apps like “Battery Life” and “Lirum Device Info” offer insights into your device’s battery health and manufacturing date.

Simply download one of these apps from the App Store, open it, and check the device information section for details on your iPhone’s age.

5. Consult the Original Packaging

If you’re fortunate enough to have kept the original packaging of your iPhone, you’re in luck. The packaging typically contains a wealth of information, including the model number, serial number, and even a manufacturing date.

Examine the box carefully, especially the stickers or labels, to locate this information. It’s one of the most reliable sources for determining your iPhone’s age.


Knowing how old your iPhone is can be beneficial for a variety of reasons, from understanding its performance capabilities to assessing its resale value. With the methods mentioned above, you can easily uncover the age of your trusty device. Whether you prefer Apple’s official tools or third-party apps, discovering your iPhone’s age has never been simpler. So go ahead and find out just how long your iPhone has been faithfully serving you!

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